Trump’s attack on EVs hurts us as BRICS countries excel. Democrats must not abandon the working class. Fareed Zakaria gets this one wrong. Here is proof Trump will destroy Medicare and Medicaid.
working class
Rev. Dr. William Barber II Democrats must decide if they support the working poor & middle class.
Rev. Dr. William Barber II visited Politics Done Right to discuss the plight of the poor and the middle class, the Trump Election, and a Democratic Party failing the working class in the aggregate.
The attempt to scapegoat Kamala Harris. Why is the working class so angry. Biden’s victory lap.
135.9 million reasons why the Working Class is angry. President Joe Biden takes a victory lap in presser after a great jobs report. The MSM is “birtherizing” Kamala Harris.
Project 2025 = Working class tax hike. Tim Wise on race. Michael Rogers on AI dangers. Aquino speaks
Project 2025 raises taxes for the working class and lowers taxes for the rich. Tim Wise talks about racial justice. Raw Story co-founder on the dangers of AI. Neil Aquino visits.
Must things get much worse before Americans are ready for a real economic change?
Is it that the masses do not believe they have the wherewithal to force a change or is it that things are not bad enough for them to demand an economic transition to a more egalitarian system now.
What do Republican politicians have against the working class and poor?
Republican politicians seem to have a certain kind of hate for the poor and working class. Even as they seem to despise them they pass policies to make life more difficult. Is that really a family values party?
Let’s not let Russia hyperventilation cloud the suffering of working class America
I am tired of the hyperventilation by the media and specifically Progressives over the likely collusion between Trump and Russia at the expense of all else.