Bernie Sanders and Ilhan Omar sent a letter to the administration urging the support of a Global Tax on the rich. A journalist’s Evangelical church, in a cultish manner, canceled one of their own.
County Clerk visits. Texans appease the wealthy. Bernie scolds Netanyahu. MSM Journalism fails.
Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth discusses local elections. Texans changed their constitution to enrich the rich. MSM fails on the ceasefire protest miserably. Bernie scolds Netanyahu for his ethnic cleansing.
Who broke America? You’d be surprised. Elon Musk’s Twitter stunt is why we need to tax the rich.
David Brooks wrote a piece a few weeks ago that has several points progressives should explore. Elon Musk’s tweet bleeds ‘tax the rich.’
FREE STUFF? No? We want what we earned. It’s the wealthy & corporatists who get free stuff.
Both Republicans and Centrists are demeaning those who want middle-class centric policies with the “Free Stuff” trope. It is nothing but projection.
Billionaires paying off student loans is not the answer but a danger. New Draconian abortion laws!
Many continue to slam those who are not impressed by the magnanimity of Billionaires and the wealthy giving away money to the less fortunate.
It’s more than taxing the rich & wealthy but an economic redesign
It is our economic design that allowed the rich to extract everyone else’s share. It is time to examine other designs that include Modern Monetary Theory which we’ve discussed before on Politics Done Right.
Martin Gurri: The Revolt of the Public followed by The Rich Screwing us all
Martin Gurri joins us to discuss his book The Revolt of the Public. We then talk about the rich screwing us all and the shutdown is probative.