Medicare Advantage is a corporate scam and Thom Hartmann makes that clear. Democrats in Congress school Republicans on Afghanistan. Lt. Governor admonished Red State Governors.
Medicare Advantage is a fraud. Watch what Thom Hartmann exposes before choosing.
Thom Hartmann visits and reveals an inconvenient truth about Medicare and Medicare Advantage and the fraud that is our healthcare system.
Trump to cut Medicare & Social Security – Doctors support Medicare for All.
Donald Trump said he is ready to break his Medicare / Social Security promise in 2nd Term. Doctors are supporting Medicare for all in droves.
Don’t let them scare us away from demanding Medicare for All healthcare. Why?
Millions of Americans are in pain as our healthcare system either kills them or transfers their assets to the healthcare industrial complex causing many to go bankrupt.
Three great guests on Medicare, Social Security, Progressive values, & engagement.
Today we meet more political activists and a Congresswoman doing the real work in the field. We discuss Social Security, Medicare, and much more.
Your vote in Midterm 2018 will determine if you have real health care
This one of the most consequential elections as it will determine if you will have real health care and financial stability. Healthcare and in particular Medicare is on the ballot along with everything that makes a humane society.
GOP admits they’re coming after your Social Security & Lessons not learned from 2008 meltdown
The GOP admitted that they are coming after your Social Security and more. We also discuss the lessons not learned from the 2008 economic meltdown.
They are coming for your your Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid next
Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell are coming for your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Scared yet? Hyperbole? NO. They nibble one step at a time. And they are getting there.
We must remind Democrats how to fight for Medicare using 2004-2006 parallels
While most of the media eyes are off of the ball, a few journalists are spending the necessary time on the Medicare privatization attack
Progressives must realize that being right is not good enough
Republicans and Conservatives talk to people where they are. Liberals and Democrats talk to people where they want them to be.