I recently gave an important civility speech at the Unitarian Fellowship in Houston. The mainstream media is failing us dramatically on climate change even as the planet burns.
mainstream media
It’s more than women’s rights. Is MSM making the same Trump mistake? Texas voter suppression.
The women’s reproductive rights/abortion debate is deeper. The mainstream media is repeating the 2016 mistakes. GOP using ingenious forms of voter suppression in Texas.
The rich get welfare as we work. Why? Our mainstream media is derelict & stock market’s a fraud.
The Secure 2.0 Act and a rigged stock market prove our economic system was designed by and for the wealthy from its inception. And the mainstream media frame the message that keeps us ignorant.
Mainstream Media was called out by the President and one of their own and it was sweet
Today we illustrate the danger of mainstream media that tries to script the news instead of relay the news. And the president and one of their own called them out.
Mainstream Media journalist on black justice. Ornstein: GOP is a cult. CNN-NYTimes inflation fraud.
Mainstream Media journalist tells an inconvenient truth about black justice. Norm Ornstein defines the GOP for who they are. Examples of CNN/NYTimes stoking false inflation fears.
Reporter fesses up to a derelict mainstream media. And here’re examples. Markel Hutchins on police.
An ex-reporter told the truth most of us in independent media already knew. And then examples. Markel Hutchins on police & community.
Mainstream media smearing the “unacceptable” Democratic candidates & policies.
The economic system, the political system, and the mainstream media are all run by the same Plutocracy. They are steering candidates and policies.
Is the mainstream media realizing that Trump’s acts are just a distraction
Many of us continue to watch the mainstream media with disgust. Can these supposedly educated elitist be this shallow? Can they be more gullible than Trump himself?
Why we need independent media? Mainstream media failing to report GOP path to fascism
It is time to act. As mainstream media fails to show urgency as GOP slow-walk us to fascism, the Progressive Independent media must activate in droves.
The mainstream media is still discounting the Left but we are winning
The supposedly Liberal mainstream media continues to discount Progressive wins. They do so at their peril and credibility. Even Establishment candidates who won are adopting Progressive positions.