We will talk about the Europeans Union’s judgment against Ireland and Apple demanding that they pay back taxes and stop defrauding the Irish people.
KPFT Shows
It is time to fight for Single-payer Medicare-for-all NOW
It is abundantly clear that it is time to re-engage in the healthcare debate and that single-payer Medicare-for-all is the only solution we must support.
Trump’s scab opening presents an opportunity we must take to eradicate our infection
Trump is but America’s exaggerated alter ego. Racism is an ingrained problem that was taught from the inception of the United States.
It is time for progressives to win the Democratic narrative
The Democratic narrative must change if it is to regain the votes of the lower working class white citizens inasmuch as the policies are the right ones.
Coffee Party Directors discuss the upcoming presidential election
I am not voting against Donald Trump. I am voting for Hillary Clinton as the better choice among all the current crop of candidates.
Modern Monetary Theory solves all our economic problems
Today we discuss Modern Monetary Theory and why it logically solves all of our economic problems. Our guest is Arliss Bunny.
Solidarity between Black Lives Matter and Liberal Organization?
Last year the conference was disrupted by Black Lives Matter as they held Martin O’Malley and Senator Bernie Sanders to task. It was different this year.
Statistics used as justification for black men behind firing squad
There are some who wallow willfully in their ignorance and denial. It presents them with a comfort at times for their insecurities.
Our police is our alter ego and it ain’t pretty
Police continue to kill people of color at disproportionate levels because they are implicitly the alter ego of the country with the power to execute.
Trump will be President if Clinton doesn’t become Sanders (VIDEO)
Donald Trump’s speech in Monessen, Pennsylvania yesterday mortified me. Why? Because, to many in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, it resonates.