Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: February 23rd, 2017 The Democratic revolution is on track with the blooming resistance You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here. The grassroots movement that we are seeing throughout the country is real. When a […]
KPFT Shows
Protests are very important but we must do much more
We are talking about the resistance. We are talking resistance through protests and much more. Today’s guests are Nisha Randle and Daniel Cohen.
Let’s talk to the Trump voter on how Obamacare really affects them
Sickness does not know party. Today we discuss how repealing Obamacare will affect us all, not only progressives but the Trump voter as well.
We must say NO to everything Trump & YES to Starbucks for doing the right thing
It is imperative that we ensure it is NO on everything Trump and we reward the likes of Starbucks for bucking the administration’s evil.
A democratic women led revolution? It sure looks that way
Women are leading the new Democratic revolution and if the past week’s events are any indication, it is going very very well.
Evangelical Christian on Obamacare – Conservative Angela Box speaks on Trump
This is a conversation Evangelical Christians and progressives alike should listen to. Conservative Angela Box discusses Donald Trump and more.
Mainstream Media projecting as they accuse BuzzFeed
It would not be long before the mainstream media ran for cover. BuzzFeed gave them a gem, and they were happy to base much of their reporting on it.
The coup is near complete. Now What?
It is the first Politics Done Right Show of the year. We are less than three weeks away from the effectuation of the coup by Donald Trump.
The alternative media and Progressives must be ready for Trump’s presidency
The approaching days of Donald Trump’s ascension to the United States presidency is very concerning for Progressives throughout the country.
This is what I believe Progressives must do in the age of Trump
Progressives! It is not the time to sit on our heels now folks. It is time to end the grieving process and move to the next stage.