Attorney & Author Olivia Benson visits us at the right time with an empowering message. Too many feel they are losing control.
Activist Eleanor Goldfield talks COVID-19 herd immunity after returning from Sweden
Trump, Rand Paul, and their ilk always talk about herd immunity. Activist Eleanor Goldfield’s roots are Swedish, and she deconstructs the reality.
Aaron Hurt, a Republican says he will never vote for a Republican again
Aaron Hurt, a Conservative Republican, has had it with the GOP. He joined the Republican Voters Against Trump. His interview with us says it all. Aaron Hurt, a Republican no more Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT) released new ads in Nebraska’s crucial 2nd Congressional District, featuring testimonials from lifelong conservative residents in the district about […]
Richard Wolff explains that our sickness is caused by Capitalism and not COVID.
Professor, Economist, Dr. Richard Wolff spent some time with Politics Done Right deconstructing the real sickness that ails America which he also discussed in his new book,
Kat Green, Managing Director of Abortion Access Front discusses the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today at the age of 87. Managing Director of Abortion Access Front Kat Green discusses the implications of RBG’s death.
Laz Ayala discusses the real immigration problem and his documentary “Illegal”
Laz Ayala, the producer of the documentary “Illegal,” talks about undocumented workers and their plight and reasons.
Daniel Cohen discusses the Walmartization of America and progressive activism
The President of Indivisible Houston visits with us once again to discusses the Walmartization of America. Daniel Cohen makes important points.
K. Sabeel Rahman, president of Demos talks creating an equitable Democracy
K. Sabeel Rahman, President of Demos, discusses some topics that afflict the working class in general and people of color in particular and solutions.
Charlotte Dennett discusses why oil is the root of our international problems
Charlotte Dennett, an investigative reporter, believes her father, a U.S. spy, would roll in his grave over Trump’s Middle East policies & U.S. oil policies.
Greg Palast discusses his Georgia suppression report created for the ACLU
Investigative reporter Greg Palast discussed his recently released report of voter suppression in Georgia that he prepared for the ACLU. Greg Palast continues the necessary voter anti-suppression crusade Greg Palast released a report by the Palast Investigative Fund titled Georgia Voter Roll Purge Errors that concluded the State had likely removed in 2019 the voter registrations […]