Dr. Alauna Curry is in the studio discussing both our personal and national trauma & causality. And of course, politics is everpresent.
Two reasons why the police murder of POCs a societal reflection
The murder of Atatiana Jefferson by the police officer will be forgotten soon by most. It’s a societal reflection that we will do well to fix else …
Activist Real Estate Agent Robby L Caban exposes an inconvenient truth about Tyler Perry studios.
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. It was all fanfare at Tyler Perry Studios when it opened recently. Unfortunately, as Activist Real Estate Agent Robby L Caban points out, there is much more to the story. Podcasts (Video — Audio) The report by Activist Real Estate Agent Roby L Caban from Tyler Perry Studios is the encapsulation of […]
Dr. Riane Eisler discusses nurturing humanity out of our political mess.
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: October 10th, 2019 Dr. Riane Eisler points out that we must understand the psychology behind Trump and those who elected him, (and didn’t), we will continue cycles of regression. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here Riane Eisler […]
He’s still fighting for Medicare for All after losing his arm & under debilitating chemo.
Warriors for Medicare for All do not allow themselves downtime for illness. They know it is existential. Danny Fetonte is today’s M4A hero.
Disruption, Distortion, Misinformation, & Corruption: The Plutocracy’s last gasp to maintain power.
An illegitimate president, a corrupt GOP constitutionally disrupting the country assisted by disruption, distortion, corruption to hold on to power.
Plutocracy, Venezuela, Medicare for All, Capitalism, & Cuba confusion
Politics Done Right visited KPFT’s Conscious Mindset to discuss many current political issues. Plutocracy, Medicare for All, Capitalism, & Cuba. Greg Palast discusses Venezuela.
This Republican now supports Medicare for All. We must keep talking.
Why does someone decide to support Medicare For All? Worry about the act itself. Let’s keep talking to people and earn their trust to change their minds.
Activist Eleanor Goldfield complex view on Trump’s impeachment & politics
Not all believe a Trump impeachment is anything major. Eleanor Goldfield has a compelling view that will inform. Who are the badasses on Trump’s impeachment?
Greg Palast: Trump did not win the electoral college either! He discusses voter suppression in detail.
Greg Palast did not hold back as he pointed out how deep the voter suppression problem is in the United States. Most importantly Trump did not win the Electoral College.