The United States is facing problems in its politics that it should not have as the most wealthy nation on the planet. It is about cruelty over competence. So far, cruelty still plays a major part in many areas.
Patriotic Millionaires slams omnibus bill. NY Rep. lied to a win. Hannity fess up under oath
Patriotic Millionaire Morris Pearl has much to say about another handout to the wealthy. NY Rep. lied himself to a seat in Congress. Under oath, Hannity told the truth. One hopes his audience is listening.
Patriotic Millionaires Morris Pearl: Tired of tax cuts for the rich being sold as help for the poor.
Patriotic Millionaires Chair Morris Pearl said that he is tired of tax cuts for the rich being sold as help for the poor. The 2022 Omnibus bill’s Secure 2.0 Act is in his crosshairs.
SHOPPING WHILE BLACK: Dean Dr. Lindia Willies-Jacobo profiled at Road Runner Sports in San Diego.
My sister texted me after submitting a report on her experience being profiled at Road Runner Sports in San Diego. It was the classic case of #ShoppingWhileBlack.
Dr. Lindia Willies-Jacobo profiled for shopping while black. Prof. Robert Reich on Aftershock.
Here is another example of the indignities POCs must go through while shopping. Dr. Lindia Willies-Jacobo tells her story about being profiled. Robert Reich discusses Aftershock.
The stock market is a fraudulent casino. Let’s discuss how it should be done.
The stock market is rigged. It is no secret. Yet, we continue to live the dream that most of us will not do as well as we should. Let’s talk about it.
Right-Wing caller on my Oprah comment. My sister, a dean & Dr. shopping while black experience
My sister texted me after submitting a report on her experience being profiled at Road Runner Sports in San Diego. A Right-Wing caller objects to my stance on who made helped Oprah get rich.
The rich get welfare as we work. Why? Our mainstream media is derelict & stock market’s a fraud.
The Secure 2.0 Act and a rigged stock market prove our economic system was designed by and for the wealthy from its inception. And the mainstream media frame the message that keeps us ignorant.
Robert Reich discusses Aftershock, The Next Economy, and America’s Future. Its relevance remains.
I interviewed Robert Reich several years ago when he released his book Aftershock. Unfortunately, things have gotten much worse since.
Robert Reich, Clinton’s Labor Sec., Aftershock still shocks. Bernie on inflation. Who is to blame?
Bernie’s take on the new inflation numbers. We reprise an interview with President Clinton’s Labor Secretary, Robert Reich. Who is to be blamed for the real cause of inflation, corporate greed, and incompetence? And here is a feel-good story, a kidney transplant that shows our real humanity.