This is an important illustrating the danger of a mainstream media outlet controlled by a plutocracy subliminally controlling how Americans think.
The media’s gullibility & dereliction of duty hurts us all
It is for these and many other reasons we must be the media. We cannot allow false narratives which ultimately enslave us to continue.
The alternative media and Progressives must be ready for Trump’s presidency
The approaching days of Donald Trump’s ascension to the United States presidency is very concerning for Progressives throughout the country.
The media & establishment stealth attack on progressive movement exposed
The stealth attack on the real progressive movement comes from all directions. It even comes from parts of the establishment and media considered Liberal.
Wake up. The media is laying the rational for war
One wonders if many reporters and journalists are willfully ignorant or simply so gullible that they buy the defense industrial complex’s war narrative.
GOP candidates justified in calling out media at debate but it was their making
While Republicans complain the most about the traditional mainstream media, it is they who effectively made the Fox News method the American media template.
America’s media leaves one shouting with no one hearing
There were two important stories out of the Democratic Debate. One was rather good while the other, the media, should concern every American citizen.
Why we must have an alternative media
This week provided clear examples why we must have alternative media. Be a part of saving this country from the failed state of traditional mainstream media.
Why so little coverage about America’s Journey for Justice? Media fail continues
It is likely that very few heard about America’s Journey for Justice, a very large grassroots event.
Our failed media almost led us to war with Iran and beyond
A media that allows the same warmongering neocons that lied America into war to appear as opposition to the Iran Nuclear deal is complicit to potential war.