Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Investigative reporter Greg Palast discussed his recently released report of voter suppression in Georgia that he prepared for the ACLU. Greg Palast continues the necessary voter anti-suppression crusade Greg Palast released a report by the Palast Investigative Fund titled Georgia Voter Roll Purge Errors that concluded the State had likely […]
Greg Palast
Greg Palast interview on stopping Trump’s election theft in his book “How Trump Stole 2020”
In this interview, Greg Palast explains that Trump stole the 2020 election in 2018 and tells us how to take it back before the actual 2020 election.
Greg Palast on how to stop Trump from stealing 2020, Pity America? COVID & more
Greg Palast intends on doing his part to prevent another stolen GOP stolen election. “Third world countries now pity America? COVID-19 exposes the president.
Greg Palast discusses protests in LA, voter suppression, Minneapolis eyewitness interview
Greg Palast almost had a confrontation with LA Police until they realized he was a reporter with a cameraman. We talk about voter suppression, protest, & more.
Greg Palast: Mail-in ballots could reelect Trump in 2020
Greg Palast visited with Politics Done Right to discuss mail-in ballots and voting. He explains why vote-by-mail could reelect Donald Trump.
Greg Palast: Vote-by-mail may reelect Trump – No tears for oil companies in our failed state.
Investigative reporter Greg Palast explains why vote-by-mail could reelect Donald Trump. Shed no tear for oil companies as prices crash
Greg Palast: Trump did not win the electoral college either! He discusses voter suppression in detail.
Greg Palast did not hold back as he pointed out how deep the voter suppression problem is in the United States. Most importantly Trump did not win the Electoral College.