The richest 1% of Americans have taken $50 Trillion from the bottom 90% in recent decades. K. Sabeel Rahman, president of Demos talks taking back the country
Donald Trump
Cable news derailed Trump spokespersons – Taiwan has the proper COVID-19 response
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Trump’s spokespersons did not have a very good weekend on the news. They were either summarily dismissed or called out for their lies. Trump spokespersons get a rude awakening Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 3:00 PM CentralVideo Zoom: LINK — Live Calls: (346)248-7799 ID:254 0 9091 Scaramucci scorches Trupsters – 40%? Not Teflon […]
Trump cult may not be his at all, Charlotte Dennett on oil & war
Trump supporters on his big irresponsible rally in Michigan may show us something unforeseen. Charlotte Dennette visits with us to discuss oil and international events.
Trump’s defense of his COVID failure slammed, Greg Palast voter suppression ACLU report
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. The Lt. Gov. of Michigan, Garlin Gilchrist, did not mince his words. Neither did Chuck Todd in pointing out Trump’s COVID failure. Greg Palast is back. Trump really in trouble this time Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 3:00 PM CentralVideo Zoom: LINK — Live Calls: (346)248-7799 ID:254 0 9091 At Last, Chuck Todd […]
Trump can no longer hide. He is much more than failure but a danger to all Americans
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Trump is officially in trouble. For those who continue to believe that those completely wedded to him will not dump him, I believe they are dreaming. Trump really in trouble this time Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 3:00 PM CentralVideo Zoom: LINK — Live Calls: (346)248-7799 ID:254 0 9091 Trump lied to Americans […]
A Biden win in Texas, Katy Tur nails economic system, Giradharadas message to Dems, Chuck Todd, sigh
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Two Houston activists explain how we win Texas. Katy Tur once again reveals an inconvenient truth as Giradharadas gives the Dems a message. Will Democrats sweep Texas? Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 3:00 PM CentralVideo Zoom: LINK — Live Calls: (346)248-7799 ID:254 0 9091 Trump attacks veterans even while disputing the story that […]
Journalist exposes racism in the Latino community, Trump’s failed presidency, VOTE EARLY
Journalist Arturo Dominguez challenged the white Latino to much pushback. The failed Trump presidency is getting exposed daily. We must vote early.
Biden eviscerates Trump, Stephanie Ruhle on unemployment report, Mauro Guillen on 2030
Donald Trump has been placed on the defensive by his demeaning of soldiers. We deconstruct the unemployment report. Mauro Guillen talks 2030.
The Black reporter who quit over headline speaks, Katy Tur grills Facebook VP, and more
Black reporter Daniel Thompson explains why he quit The Kenosha News. Katy Tur did what so many have would like to do, challenge Facebook.
Texas Candidate shows how it’s done. I still say Biden landslide. Trump, Commander-In-Thug
This Democratic candidate shows how it is done and it is showing in his polls. Democrats must not fear building a landslide win in 2020.