LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Jackson, MS makes us a banana Republic. This white man is the instantiation of evil. A talk with FSTV. Healthcare for all.
KPFT Shows
Our interviews with progressive publishers, hosts, politicians, & activists at Netroots continue.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: We have a plethora of progressive activists, media personalities, and a politician making difference in our body politic.
Healthcare in Canada is so much better. Tools to make Democracy better. A working-class warrior.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Vic Uzumeri speaks on Canadian healthcare vs. the US. Democracy requires work, and we have tools and activists ready to speak out.
Our Netroots Nation 2022 Interview series continue with 5 activists making a difference.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Starbucks activists, women rights activists, media activists, & information activists speak to PDR at Netroots Nation 2022.
Interviews with activists & politicians at Netroots Nation. Robin Fulford on her run on Crenshaw.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Robin Fulford gives us a quick interview on her campaign to replace Crenshaw in Congress. Also, here are great activists & politicians at Netroots Nation 2022.
Professor & Activist Briege McP schools us on Sinn Fein GOP comparison. GOP/Oil Execs checked
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Professor & Activist Briege McP on Sinn Fein. Oil executives called out. GOP was put in its place by Mitchell.
Chuck Crews on serving. Meacham, Beschloss, & Ruhle on our Democracy. AG Garland calls the bluff.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Chuck Crews, a chemical engineer, believe his district needs him. We discuss many other current issues.
Fox News exposed. CNN finally acknowledges Biden’s successes. AG Garland calls Trump’s bluff.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Lying Fox News is getting exposed on its own. AG Garland called Trump’s bluff and more.
Graham outdoes Blumenthal. Dem strategist shines. An evil Abbott schooled by NYC Mayor Adams.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Blumenthal lets Graham slide. NYC Mayor Adams shows more compassion than Abbott. Dem. Strategist Yvette Simpson shines.
Harvey Wasserman on nuclear power & renewable energy. Dr. Anand Bhat on the state of healthcare
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: Harvey Wasserman discusses renewable energy and the nuclear role. Dr. Anand Bhat says healthcare is in a sad state.