Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton may be impeached. Chris Hayes deconstructs the Republicans’ hypocrisy about the Debt. A police officer shot an 11-year-old kid after calling 911 to protect his mother.
KPFT Shows
Moms Demand Action memorializes Uvalde. KAD President on TX Lege failure. GOP tanking economy
Moms Demand Action Susan Pollard & Gabriela Diaz directed an Uvalde Memorial. Kingwood Area Democrats Ellie Porras discusses the Texas Legislature’s failure. The GOP is attempting to tank the economy.
Texas Talibanization continues. Tax cut & debt ceiling lies debunked. We must save ourselves.
The Ten Commandments in every school bill show the Texas Talibanization has begun. We debunked the Freedom Caucus member cable TV lies. The masses cannot hope that philanthropy will stave off fascism.
Wallace & Glaude slams GOP attack on freedom. Evil chairman in a meek package. Colorado River.
Budget Committee Chair Arrington shows how unempathetic & evil he & his cohort are. MSNBC Host & Fmr. Republican Wallace & Dr. Glaude did a great job articulating the GOP march away from freedom.
The youngest state Dem chair speaks. Markey urges the 14th Amendment. 60 Minutes exposes contractors.
The youngest state Democratic Chair, Anderson Clayton, brings a fresh perspective. Sen. Ed Markey urges Biden to use the 14th Amendment. 60 Minutes exposes defense contractors for the thieves they are.
A real Healthcare for All story. Healthcare for All is the only answer. Leave TikTok alone.
A real-world candid story comparing Canadian and American healthcare systems. The evidence proves Medicare for All saves both lives and money. We cannot be fooled by politicians banning TikTok.
Northeastern Action Collective urges Houston to solve BIPOC area flooding. Medicare for all is back.
Doris Brown and Alice Liu of Northeastern Action Collective are incessant in their fight to bring equity to communities throughout Houston. Medicare for All is back in Congress’
WOW! A local TX TV station exposed the healthcare evil. Michael Steele: MAGA playing the long game
Channel 13 did an excellent job reporting on the Medicaid Expansion to the Affordable Care Act. Michael Steele’s MAGA analysis is spot on. Democrats better heed his implicit warnings.
Harris County Attorney on Texas Legislature attacks. Inconvenient truths about the GOP.
Harris County, TX Attorney Christian Menefee, talks about the Legislature’s attack on voters. Fmr. Rep. Max Rose exposes the GOP’s real problem. Evangelical editor who defected from the Trump wing speaks to Chuck Todd.
Let Corps pay for inflation. Katy Tur humanizes immigration. MSM finally reports inflation is down.
Here’s why corporations should bear the burden of inflation. The mainstream media finally acknowledges inflation is down. MSNBC Katy Tur starts the real conversation on immigration that must be had.