David Cobb, former candidate, Move to Amend co-founder, and America’s lawyer, discusses the Decolonizing Economics Summit & more. Discord leak exposes TikTok fraud. Guns struck again.
KPFT Shows
American workers should be in unions. 2024 must be women’s rights to their bodies and guns.
It is time to provide the correct messaging on unions unadulteratedly. The 2024 election is on now. Progressives must centralize women’s rights to control their bodies and on the gun issue.
Food not Bombs’ Nick Cooper. Ingrid Bond on mayoral debate. Rich countries must fix environment.
Food Not Bombs’ Nick Cooper visits to discuss the organization and the attack by the city. Ingrid Bond talks about tonight’s Houston Mayoral debate. Why rich countries must fix the environment.
Abbott to pardon MAGA murderer. TX Judge takes away another woman’s right. Impeach Thomas Now!
Governor Abbott is opening the door for MAGA sympathizers to harm Progressives. A Texas judge takes another right away from women. We must impeach our most crooked Supreme Court Justice.
GOP expels 2 Democrats from TN legislature. Why forgive student debt? Justice Thomas demeans court.
The GOP expelled 2 Democrats for exercising their free speech rights in the TN Legislature. There are economic and fairness reasons to abolish student debt. Clarence Thomas is selling his SCOTUS seat.
Wisconsin is bigger than Trump. A tax scheme that hurts the poor. Why are oil prices rising?
Trump shouldn’t be the story. The Wisconsin Supreme Court is what matters. Property taxes hurt most Americans. Oil prices are rising because of supply manipulation. But it will speed up green energy.
Marianne Williamson on why she is challenging Joe Biden. Marjorie Taylor Greene on 60 Minutes.
Marianne Williamson decided to challenge President Joe Biden to promote policies that Americans need. Why I loved Marjorie Taylor Greene on 60 minutes.
$42-Hr. Minimum wage. French revolt continues. ACA Preventative Care & Internet archive overturned
Both the ACA preventative care & Internet Archive have nixed by courts. If the same Wall Street fairness applied to all, the minimum wage would be $42/hr. The French revolution spreads.
Newly Elected Harris County Democratic Chairman Mike Doyle speaks. Save the Texas Observer!
Mike Doyle, Texas’ new Harris County Democratic Party Chairman discusses where he’s taking the party. We must save the Texas Observer, the progressive magazine of Texas, from being shuttered.
Israel, France, Brazil, & USA, the path to fascism. It’s all about economics and fear.
The Democratic world is turning to fascism because those elected as stewards failed. Their commitments are to empower & enrich themselves as they have sold out to the oligarchy.