Obama slams Blake Masters as wacky and after Social Security. Michael Moore says Democrats will win midterms. This is a Medicare scam.
Coffee Party Shows
Obama ridicules Trump & Kari Lake. Mike Lee wants to abolish Social Security. Misinformed listener
Kari Lake shows how classless she is. Pelosi teaches her. Chris Hayes blows up the crime farce. Juanita Jackson on bail bonds, judges, and crime.
Nancy Pelosi v. Kari Lake. Chris Hayes went Fox News on Oklahoma. Bail Bond crime farce.
Kari Lake shows how classless she is. Pelosi teaches her. Chris Hayes blows up the crime farce. Juanita Jackson on bail bonds, judges, and crime.
CNN’s Dana Bash called out Sen. Rick Scott’s Medicare lie but not Trump’s tax cut lie. We did!
CNN’s Dana Bash did not allow Sen. Rick Scott to lie about Democrats cutting Medicare, but she missed his lie on Trump’s tax cuts.
Beto O’Rourke speaks to PDR. Two Republicans slammed on support for violence. Obama ridiculed GOP.
Beto O’Rourke joins us at PDR. Two Republicans supporting violence are called out live. Obama warns Americans to go vote as he ridicules GOP non-policy.
Don’t believe the polls. Democrats need to fight on the economy too. Good government.
Michael Steele discusses why we must be careful with the polls. Democrats need to concentrate on the economy. This candidate proves government works.
Katie Porter on Dem message. Study- GOP crime 40% higher than Dem. Medicare v. Medicare Advantage
Congresswoman Katie Porter once again excels in her messaging that Democrats would do well to articulate ad nauseam. It’s the economy and much more.
Dems must challenge GOP on crime and move on. Liz Cheney destroys Rep. selling their souls.
Dan Pfeiffer has a message for Democrats on fighting the GOP crime narrative. Liz Cheney put Republicans on notice. They are selling their souls.
On-the-ground Pennsylvania report. Bernie: It’s the economy too. GOP coddle crime.
Tim Danahey joins PDR with a Pennsylvania on-the-ground report. Bernie continues to urge Dems to increase the economic narrative. Fight back on crime.
Social Security & Medicare is at risk. Lean into crime. Attack corporate assault on America
Republicans believe they will win and are telling you they will cut your Social Security & Medicare. Crime is caused by the GOP. Let’s blame corporations for their attacks.