Investor proves Wall Street is nothing but a fraud for financial parasites. Those who idolize billionaires indirectly condone slavery. A caller took exception to Lina Hidalgo’s bravery.
Coffee Party Shows
Biden comes out swinging on IRA. Brett Edkins discusses the SCOTUS. Climate denier challenged.
Biden highlights the Inflation Reduction Act on its anniversary. Brett Edkins of Stand Up America speaks about SCOTUS. Here is how to address and bring harmony with a climate change denier.
The divide created by roads/infrastructure. The myth about meritocracy & rugged individualism.
Roads and infrastructure represented much less than progress at times. It is time to give up on the myth of rugged individualism and meritocracy.
Hannity gets it. Dem. Rep. urges Democratic Primary. Judge sides with climate. Authoritarians.
Sean Hannity gets that abortion is a loser for GOP. Rep. Dean Phillips says it loud. Is he right about a Democratic Primary- Climate wins in Montana Court? Authoritarianism in Wisconsin.
Hunter vs. Kushner false equivalence. Poverty is rural. Billionaires own Thomas. Communist?
The Hunter story is a farce. No! I am not a Communist, and labels won’t deter me. Poverty looks much different than you have been led to believe. The Clarence Thomas – Billionaire saga continues.
Blasphemous Evangelical Movement. Newsmax had a Trump disclaimer. Raskin v Trump. Worker v Boss
Here is proof the Evangelical movement isn’t Christian. Even Newsmax needed a disclaimer for Trump. Raskin slams Trump. Workers should get at least what bosses get in a raise.
Morning Joe delivers stinging admonition. Dr. Jason Johnson on Tuberville. Democracy in Ohio.
Joe Scarborough delivers a stinging indictment on MAGA Republicans. Dr. Jason Johnson on Sen. Tuberville’s legislative terrorism & Republicans voting against their interests. Democracy wins in Ohio.
Christie on Trump’s guilt. Morning Joe dings Evangelicals. Matthews defines Trump. Tribulation
My Tribulations book is now in my Substack Newsletter. Chris Christie did not mince words about Trump’s guilt. Morning Joe points out the failure of Evangelicals. Chris Matthews on Trump.
Organizing to Win CEO visits. Lindsey Graham ridicules himself. Ohio, another Red State defeat
Mira Weinstein visits with PDR to discuss organizing to empower the masses. Lindsey Graham continues volunteering as Trump’s lapdog. The upcoming Ohio vote may be another loss for anti-abortion groups.
We should all vote from home. 82% say no to Social Security cuts. CNBC claims class warfare
Barbara Smith Warner, Executive Director at National Vote at Home Institute, discusses voting at home. CNBC Host accuses union leader of class warfare. Americans do not want Social Security cuts at all.