Most Americans are not concerned about the politics of medicine. Unfortunately, that is what kills many going forward.
Coffee Party Shows
Ben Smilowitz of DAP: We can make billions of vaccine now. Trump’s COVID failure.
Ben Smilowitz, Executive Director of Disaster Accountability Project, makes a case for a billion vaccines now. Trump’s COVID dereliction even worse.
Stop economic shocks like COVID from taking away your business or wealth.
Our sham of an economic system along with a corrupt government leadership must be stopped before they take our businesses & wealth.
Moms Demand Action Shannon Watts & Activism, Autocratic Trump’s failures.
Moms Demand Action Shannon Watts makes it clear we can all be activists. The GOP’s acquiescence to an autocratic Trump makes the presidency off-limits.
J Christopher Collins discusses mending our union, Trump’s electoral fraud.
J Christopher Collins visits to discuss how do we mend our deteriorating union. Trump’s 2020 electoral fraud has failed as it should have.
Abigail Esman on patriarchy, Republican Party authoritarian, catastrophic leadership
Abigail Esman discusses patriarchy, narcissism, and more. GOP is officially anti-democracy. Todd talks about catastrophic leadership but misses one.
Houston DSA organizer on #FightForOurLives, Porter slams McConnell, Anand Girirharadas on Dems muscularity
.@RepKatiePorter exposes an evil @SenateMajLdr. @HoustonDSA Organizer @MadsPelzel discusses the #FightForOurLives event. @AnandWrites questions Democrats’ muscularity.
Trump robbing his supporters, No to Wall Street owning water, Randy Fricke talks Independent Voter takeover
Trump is ripping off his followers as he lies to them winning. Wall Street continues to consume. Independent voter activist Randy Fricke visits.
These journalists keep the pressure on a failed Trump – Good and Bad Journalism – COVID Reality
As Trump tried to put his loss in doubt, pundit keep the pressure on the failed president. Good & bad journalists in action. Here’s a COVID reality.
Can’t Tell Us Nothing improv visits, healthcare, politics, journalism, & more.
The improv group Can’t Tell Us Nothing visits, and there is a poignant healthcare story you must not miss. And we have much more.