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Elizabeth Warren may be the antidote to Democratic Socialism scare for some Americans.

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I wrote a piece that will be on Daily Kos on Sunday that may subliminally illustrate that the Elizabeth Warren ‘policy for that’ may be the antidote to the Democratic Socialism scare.

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Last night I had a learning epiphany. I was writing by Daily Kos article for Sunday’s front page. The original article theme was whether to use the Democratic Socialism term at all during this election cycle. As I wrote, Elizabeth Warren kept on popping into my mind. Why? When asked if she was a capitalist, she didn’t hedge, yes, Warren said quickly but immediately went on to describe policies that she wanted instituted to make things better for Americans.

When one examines Warren’s policies, they are very revealing. There is much to learn from methodical discipline.


NYTimes: Why You Should Root for the Uber I.P.O. to Fail: The largest of Uber’s major shareholders is SB Cayman 2 Ltd., which holds more than 16 percent of Uber shares. That investment represents the SoftBank Vision Fund, a $100 billion mega-venture capital fund that has fundamentally changed the venture financing world. The fund, whose biggest investors are the crown prince of Saudi Arabia and the founder of Japan’s leading internet company, has been writing enormous checks — ranging from $500 million to $5 billion — to start-ups including WeWork, Lemonade, Wirecard and DoorDash. SoftBank’s presence has inflated deal sizes in the venture capital world, where rounds of financing are typically well below $100 million. The underlying philosophy of the SoftBank Vision Fund is to create a “cluster of number one” companies that will enrich one another. The language is mystical and the strategy is vague, but, the “vision” is that the artificial intelligence revolution will offer enormous benefits to leading companies that can share their knowledge across different markets, so these companies can “win all without fighting.” There have been successes for SoftBank, including an investment in Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant. But the real verdict will be delivered in the next several years as their largest investments will come to fruition. So, why root for a broken I.P.O. for Uber?

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