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Donald Trump is on a clear path to reelection unless we, Democrats stop being insane, doing the same thing and expecting a different result. The question is, will we.
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The blog of the week is the piece I wrote for Sunday’s Daily KOS’ front page. It created a flurry of activity. I think it is clear that we are not that very different than those on the Right in that we are unable to step out of our lane to explore possibilities that likely would bring folks together, not on ideological terms but overall human need. But to do so requires stepping out of our self-imposed silos.
I see either a timid Democratic Party or a purposefully selectively engaging party. Either way, it spells a loss.
Salon: “Robert Reich on America’s inequality crisis: Trump’s “greedy enablers” will “reap the whirlwind”” Some plain facts and hard truths: The top one percent of Americans own 40 percent of the country’s wealth and 90 percent of its income. When adjusted for inflation, the average income in the United States has remained approximately the same for the last 40 years. By comparison, over the last two decades the richest Americans have seen their income increase by three times, relative to those of the poorest Americans. If adjusted for economic productivity, the federal minimum wage in America would actually be at least $20 an hour, instead of the $7.25 it is at present. An increasingly large number of Americans are unable to retire and will have to work until they die. Roughly six in 10 Americans don’t even have $1,000 they could use for an emergency. Twenty-six individuals have as much wealth as the bottom half of the world’s population. This is a global plutocracy. Globalization and neoliberalism, the economic revolutions of the 1990s, have largely increased human misery rather than ameliorating it. This has fueled the rise of the racist and nationalist “New Right” and its reactionary brand of pseudo-populism in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. In the United States this global right-wing movement manifested itself as an upsurge of racism, nativism and economic angst that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2016. Trump has done nothing to improve those social ills. Instead he is doing everything in his power to make America a more economically unjust and unfair and divided society — to his own personal benefit. It is entirely possible that this feedback loop of human misery will propel Trump to another victory in the 2020 presidential election.
Blog of the Week
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