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So what do Progressives need to do to win 2020? Lean in and be smart. Here is how.

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: March 29th, 2019

An interview with an anti-Chavismo citizen of Venezuela made me do some thinking. He understands something about Progressives many don’t yet grasp completely. Foreigners have always understood American politics better than Americans.

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I was once a foreigner but have always understood the core of American politics, not party based but people base. I was never culturally attached to any party. I did not always vote my interest if I thought that interest negatively affected others. More on that later.

I interviewed a Venezuelan citizen that has been trying to arrange a meeting for some time. He listens to the show but thinks that I have been misled with my Chavismo support. My goal is always to learn, knowing that we can all succumb to well-orchestrated narratives. He did not convince me that I was completely wrong but he did give me issues that I need to research further.

But the most important part of the discussion is something he said that I knew but realize Progressives need to articulate more in our narrative. I have spoken about it before but hearing it from him made me realize how imperative it is. It is amazing that his words mimicked a blog post I wrote for a recent show. I think it is bears repeating so today it is again the blog of the week.


Blog of the Week

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