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Doctor & activists explain Texans’ fight for Medicare Expansion to ACA

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: February 28th, 2019

Several doctors, activists, and Texas citizens rallied and lobbied at the Texas Capitol in Austin. Later they explained why accepting the Medicaid Expansion to the ACA is essential.

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Politics Done Right (PDR) was very special today. Why? We did it on the road. Regulars know that we do not just stay in the studio. We brought you PDR from Netroots Nation 2018 in New Orleans and in many other venues.

Today we traveled to the Texas Capitol in Austin to rally and lobby Texas politicians to pass legislation to implement the Medicaid Expansion to the Affordable Care Act. We endured the below-freezing temperatures for the rally.

I interviewed Melissa McChesney, a Houston-based independent consultant for the Center for Public Policy Priorities and organizer of the Houston contingent of the rally. She was followed by Daniel Cohen, President of Indivisible Houston and prolific community organizer in the Houston Metropolitan area. I closed with Cedric Dark MD. MPH, FACEP, an emergency physician at Baylor College of Medicine and Founder and Executive Editor at Policy Prescriptions (Advocates for Evidence-Based Health Policy).

The interviews covered three distinct components. Each interviewee touched on some aspect of them

The first component pointed out the reasons that it is imperative we get the Medicaid Expansion to the Affordable Care now and the intransigence of the Republicans that are failing to support the expansion because of an immoral ideology. This is causing over 2,000 Texans to die unnecessarily every year for the lack of health care, Texas-Republican-Politicians sanctioned murders.

The second component was the process of getting activists involved in a manner that will ultimately provide positive results. This is not easy, but the rally is probative. It can be done.

The third component was the intersectionality between the current ACA with the proposed Medicare for All bill. Ultimately that is the healthcare system most Americans want. It is imperative that we lay that path sooner rather than later.


CNN: Pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly will sell a cheaper generic version of its rapid-acting insulin Humalog, according to a statement Monday from Chairman and CEO Dave Ricks. At 50% the price of Humalog, the generic insulin will carry a list price of $137.35 per vial, the company said, or $265.20 for a pack of five pens. Brand-name Humalog will remain on the market.
The move comes amid growing concerns about the soaring prices of drugs — insulin in particular — which have led many people with diabetes to cut back on their insulin in order to save on costs, in some cases leading to harmful or even deadly complications. “We don’t want anyone to ration or skip doses of insulin due to affordability. And no one should pay the full Humalog retail price,” Ricks said, describing the generic drug as “a bridge that addresses gaps in the current system until we have a more sustainable model.”

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