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Is welfare for the rich the same as welfare for the poor?

Bill Maher slams GOP for support of welfare for the rich welfare as they attack welfare for the poor

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Radio Show Date: March 14th, 2015

Today I will be exploring whether welfare for the rich has the same implications as welfare for the poor. Last night Bill Maher said the following.

“Republicans are right,” Bill Maher said “Not having to work and getting free money does mess people up. That’s why they love to talk about work, the virtue of work, the right to work, workfare, the dignity that comes with work.

In fact there is only one thing conservatives believe in more than work. And that is the God given right of rich people to leave all their money to their kids so they never have to work a day in their lives. …

I mean think about it. Republicans are on board with taxing people’s income, their investments, property, food, gas, booze, cigarettes, everything you buy, even your retirement. Those are all OK. But the one thing that must remain tax free is when money falls from the sky and lands in the lap of [explicative] Hilton. …

If the tough love of cutting off free money for the poor is the right thing to do how can we stand by and do any less for the Conrad Hiltons of the world. They’ve never known the dignity of work either. Shouldn’t we be helping them by taxing inheritance at one hundred percent?”

What do you think. Let’s talk about it.

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Bill Maher uses conservative tenets against the ‘death tax’

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