Governor makes case for Medicare for All. When the COVID-19 healthcare bills of Americans come due, it will be a dereliction of duty not to force it.
Medicare for All
Coronavirus Capitalism makes pandemic worse than it should
Listening to the coronavirus presidential briefing today, it became readily evident why our response was delayed. It was all about crony capitalism.
Are we overreacting to the Coronavirus pandemic? Or is it the exposure of a failed economic system?
Are Americans panicking overreacting? The stock market is in free fall. Restaurants, bars, and more are closed. Millions – no paychecks. All Coronavirus?
Coronavirus unmasking Republicans & some Democrats alike. Bernie is right.
Even as coronavirus puts most Americans at risk, Republicans & Democrats acquiesce to corporate wants. Bernie Sanders’ policies are looking quite good now.
COVID-19 forces uninsured Progressive Candidate Nabilah Islam from door to door canvassing.
Nabilah Islam, a Democratic Candidate for Georgia CD7, is affected directly by both coronavirus & the lack of medical healthcare.
Coronavirus forces uninsured Progressive Candidate Nabilah Islam from door to door canvassing.
Uninsured Candidate for Georgia District 7 Nabilah Islam must suspend her grassroots door to door canvassing because of coronavirus & more stories.
Medicare for All backer & Health Insurance Victim speaks
Rose Williams’ experience makes it clear private health insurance is evil and Medicare for All is the only solution.
Challenge to Biden’s Trump-like misinformation in MSNBC interview
I refute and challenge each bit of misinformation, misrepresentation, and outright untrue by Biden in his MSNBC interview. Truth matters,
Corona Virus shows why Medicare for All existential in the long run.
Covid-19, is the perfect example of why America needs Medicare for All. Absent a health care system based on humanity, the system will continue to kill.
#DemDebate Analysis. A victim of evil private health insurance speaks.
SC #DemDebate was an orchestrated hit job on progressives. Krystal Ball exposed it. Rose Williams, a victim of evil private health insurance speaks.