Journalists holding back information to write a book is capitalism at its best. President Obama gives advice to Democrats. Michigan Senator’s message to white women.
SCOTUS threatens Red State women’s freedom. Journalism & Democracy requires public funding.
Corporate-funded journalism has decimated this country’s democracy. We do not have much time to solve it. Let’s get busy.
Old style journalism killing America: Independent media a must now!
Watch any channel today and see how old-style journalism gets played mostly by the Right and corporations. We must support Independent media that have no constraints
We need a different kind of journalism to cover Trump
Journalism, as practiced today, is incapable of mitigating the misinformation of Trump and the Right Wing effectively. We need a new paradigm.
Is a new journalism needed for an evil and willfully ‘stupid’ Trump administration
The Right is gaming journalism. As such, it is essential that journalists adopt a new paradigm. Many independents are, the mainstream media must.