The Trump voter is not yet abandoning Donald Trump in droves. It is decidedly a trickle. What I noticed is that many, when asked, say they do not follow the news.
Donald Trump
America’s self-proclaimed patriots are silent and must pay for it
Let’s talk a little Russia but most importantly ensure the issues that affect middle-class and poor American is not placed on a waiting list.
Conspiracy Theory? Is Trump’s Syria missile attack a Putin/Trump ruse?
Trump sent 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles to an airbase in Syria that remained operational. Was it a ruse? I think it was and this is why.
The alternative media and Progressives must be ready for Trump’s presidency
The approaching days of Donald Trump’s ascension to the United States presidency is very concerning for Progressives throughout the country.
This is what I believe Progressives must do in the age of Trump
Progressives! It is not the time to sit on our heels now folks. It is time to end the grieving process and move to the next stage.
Donald Trump, the undemocratically illegitimate president
America awoke to another undemocratically illegitimate president on November 9th, President-Elect Trump; two in five defective elections? Sad.
Trump is the perfect opportunity to create a real Blue Wall
Democrats lost a big chunk of the Blue Wall because of many reasons. They are being handed an opportunity to rebuild they should heed.
Donald Trump could be the country’s next Ronald Reagan, REALLY
Donald Trump could be the next Ronald Reagan. Do not laugh or believe I have lost it. Remember, Donald Trump won the presidency. He is your president.
The words from my friend, a former Republican gives me hope under Trump’s rule
I was happy to hear from my friend, a former Republican who would have none of it.
Fake News and Reason’s for Trump electoral college win
We discuss the hysteria about social media fake news followed by Tim Danahey discussing the reasons for Trump’s electoral college win.