Dr. Stephen Chao discusses the George Floyd rally & Asian alliance. President Trump proves he is an inhumane being as he supported violence against the aggrieved.
Coffee Party Shows
Tim Wise, an anti-racist crusader, talks Minneapolis & more. CNN reporter explodes.
Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: May 29th, 2020LIKE our Facebook page, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel and Become a Patron. COVID Anti-racist crusader Tim Wise discusses the racist police brutality in America and more. There is excellent reporting out of Minneapolis from MSNBC that gets real. Tim Wise visits with us […]
Black Lives Must Matter – Nancy Pelosi shows how it is done
Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: May 28th, 2020LIKE our Facebook page, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel and Become a Patron. COVID Why is George Floyd not just another dead black man murdered by a cop? There was a special evil in the video that shocked ALL Americans. Nancy Pelosi used her […]
Central Park 911 liar says her life destroyed but George Floyd is dead. Complicity matters. UPDATE
Amy Cooper, the Central Park liar that could have cost a black man his life says her life is destroyed. People like her are complicit in the cycle that kills
Police, Race, & the complicity of some. Obama economist statement on economy misunderstood.
The synchronicity of two events that involve race & police in two distinct ways are troubling. Top Obama economist predicts economic comeback that could boost Trump.
Robby Caban on Hertz CEO bailout & Real Estate injustice: COVID-19 Update
Roby Caban discusses the Hertz CEO leaving the company in shambles as she walked away with $9+ Million and thousands of laid-off employees. COVID-19 Update
Pandemic & Economic Collapse on Trump & Unfettered Capitalism
Journalist and Environmental activist Harvey Wasserman makes it clear, economic collapse & COVID-19 pandemic is on Trump. Unfettered Capitalism?
Her Cameroon & COVID-19 experience speaks volumes. Breaking Dams, America’s rotting.
Savannah Smith’s experience in Cameroon cut short by COVID-19 is an important story. Dam’s breaking shows America’s rot from within is palpable.
Is America now the nation to be pitied? Pity Party time? You be the judge.
We must finally start pondering several writers who wonder out loud if it is time to pity America. These outtakes make the answer clear. Other Updates.
2020 stimulus is turning into the 2009 corporate ripoff with the help of your government.
The bailout sounded great. But just like 2009, the spoils continue to move to the top. We discuss what we must do going forward.