The debate showed that even a calm Trump is mean, evil, nonempathetic, and incompetent. Kristin Arnold, a rules analyst explains the debate.
Coffee Party Shows
Obama decimates Trump, Billy Graham’s granddaughter shades GOP, Host destroys Trump’s spox, & more.
Prez Obama America’s worst president. Billy Graham’s granddaughter Christian response to Trump, Vote Biden. Here’s a real reporter.
Texas, the sleeping giant awakens, the Latino vote is engaged, Steve Schmidt calls it.
Texas Republicans are panicking, trying to suppress the vote. Two professor studies show an engaged Latino voter. Steve Schmidt makes his call.
Author of “Death To America! How We The People Screwed Ourselves” Election 2020.
We speak to the author of “Death To America! How We The People Screwed Ourselves.” Election 2020 is in full vogue. Here’s for today.
An unhinged Trump and Voter suppression are not enough for him to win IF WE VOTE!
We have several stories of real voter suppression in several states. We show an unhinged Donald Trump illustrating the disaster & danger that he is.
Trump cratering as his enablers are starting to jump ship. VOTE! VOTE!
The paper tiger is starting to fall. When your sycophants and enablers start jumping ship, you know the end is near. But we must vote & vote.
Dangerous conspiracy theory, Senators drive Democratic message using SCOTUS hearing, Texas voter suppression fight
Democrats made great use of the SCOTUS nominee hearing to drive their message. Will conspiracy and voter suppression be enough for Trump?
SCOTUS nominee a danger, Georgia senate candidate, Ted Cruz outsmarts himself.
SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett is a danger to most Americans that do not fit a certain profile or religion. Tamara Shealey update. Sad Ted Cruz.
Party snubs Democratic Candidate, Al Franken slams Lowry, Trump Petri dish, Lindsey blues
Why did the Party snub State Senate Democratic Candidate Kathy Lewis? Al Franken still has a punch. They scolded Lindsey Graham. Petri dish prez?
Saved by the ACA, Klobuchar slams Trump, WH Superspreader refuses mask, delusional voter
PDR supporter Paul Fleming becomes our subject today discussing how ACA. Klobuchar slammed Trump in her way. Trump enabling continues.