Stand Up America’s Monica Garcia, Progressive California Assemblyman Candidate Sean Frame, and Bulbancha Rise Up’s Marcus Akinlana visit PDR at Netroots Nation 2023. Mike Pence gets tough on Trump.
A discussion on political civility. Mainstream media fails us on climate change dramatically.
I recently gave an important civility speech at the Unitarian Fellowship in Houston. The mainstream media is failing us dramatically on climate change even as the planet burns.
Donald Trump was indicted once again. A speech on civility that is worth a listen.
Once again, the Thug-In-Chief, Donald Trump, was indicted. This cancer in America needs to be jailed. Recently, I gave a speech on civility at a local UU church that is worth a listen.
Jack Smith indicts Trump. Is he the Southern Democratic template? Progressive analysis.
Special Counsel Jack Smith exposes the corrupt Trump with a powerful indictment. Elad Gross’ template could be a Progressive map. Andrew Villeneuve discusses how Progressives fight.
Elad Gross, Southern Progressive. Republican agrees w/Progressives. Shell profits. Musk!
A Real Progressive Democrat, Elad Gross, is running to be Attorney General of Missouri. Watch this Republican support progressive values. Musk shows his authoritarian streak. Shell has obscene profits.
Rick Smith Show EP Brett Pransky on the working class. Chris Christie at it again. GOP v. Medicare
Brett Pransky, Executive Producer of the Rick Smith Show, talks about the working class. Chris Christie says his piece again. GOP exposed on Medicare and Medicaid.
Rick Smith Show EP Brett Pransky on the working class. Social Security a Ponzi Scheme- More
Brett Pransky, Executive Producer of the Rick Smith Show, talks about the working class. A caller who calls Social Security a Ponzi Scheme is challenged. GOP exposed on Medicare and Medicaid.
Can you do better without Social Security? America has a well-working socialized medicine system.
Today we will discuss whether we can do better than having Social Security. The answer is NO! Did you know America has a fully functional socialized medical system that works better than private?
Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, on how to improve education.
The President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, visited with PDR at Netroots Nation 2023 (#NN23) to discuss the state of our education.
Netroots Nation 2023 Townhall Deputy Mayor Ali Thome tells why she attends yearly and political.
Ali Thome, a child we watch grow up in Netroots Nation yearly from adolescent to young woman, explains her journey in the Progressive movement.