Indivisible Houston President Daniel J. Cohen continues his duty to ensure that politicians live up to their duty to the electorate. He is informing them of the misdeeds of Harris County DA Kim Ogg.
Biased reporting. Centrism is an ideology. Finland, not Hungary, is our wish. Corrupt TX DA.
The biased reporting of the West is organic and a significant danger. There is nothing positive about ideological centrism. We could learn from Finland, not Hungary. Harris County DA Kim Ogg exposed.
Joe Manchin gives in. Daniel J. Cohen: Beyond local & national politics. And More!
The Joe Manchin crusade to hurt progressives is in full vogue. Activist Daniel J. Cohen discusses local and national politics. And More!
Rashida Tlaib gets real with Chris Hayes. Joe Manchin quits but wants to be president. More
Rashida Tlaib is not and should not back down from her righteous position, and she made that clear with Chris Hayes. Joe Manchin will not run for reelection, but he sure is trying to look presidential.
GOP thinks democracy is the enemy. Aquino talks Houston election. Republican debate analysis
Former Senator Rick Santorum came out against democracy after another big Republican loss. Neil Aquino analyzes Houston’s election. The Republican debate was nuts.
Democrats crush MAGA! GOP abandons democracy. It is time to hold ourselves to account on GAZA
Democrats won big in the 2023 election, proving progressive policies are what Americans want. Rashida Tlaib was censored for speaking the inconvenient truth. Rick Santorum proves Republicans are ready to abandon democracy.
Democrats won big all over the country. It is time to go over the results.
A Democrat won big in Kentucky. Abortion rights were restored in another state. Legislatures turned blue. It is clear MAGA is failing bigly!
Thomas Czarnik, author & activist, talks about humanity, values, writing, his books, and much more.
In an all-encompassing interview, author/activist/humanitarian Thomas Czarnik discussed his books, limericks, and plays. He provided motivational advice and positive affirmation about life.
Melissa McDonough, Democratic Texas Congressional District 38 Candidate, on why she must win.
Melissa McDonough, Democratic Texas Congressional District 38 Candidate, was not shy about what she intends to bring to her new district: the people’s voice.
The government of Israel thinks we are blind. Author/Activist Thomas Czarnik speaks.
The government of Israel continues to tell us what our eyes are seeing is not accurate. Thomas Czarnik, an author, activist, and humanitarian, talks about writing, one’s passions, and more.