Indivisible Houston Daniel J. Cohen & other activists protested at Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s radio station for taking money from racists. Say no to both school vouchers and Medicare Advantage.
Medicare Advantage is a disadvantage. School vouchers in TX. Blame the Constitution.
Medicare Advantage is but a disadvantage to patients. Will Abbott get School Vouchers? Our Democracy is at stake because of the Constitution, not its people.
Aquino on local elections. A Medicare Advantage salesperson speaks. Nonprofit hospitals.
Neil Aquino discusses a few upcoming elections. A Medicare Advantage salesperson comes clean. Bernie Sanders exposes nonprofit hospitals as rip-offs. The Republican Revolution devours its children.
Inhumane response to the Israel attack. War is not the answer. Healthcare and childcare.
Independent-thinking writers have written sensibly about the Israel fiasco. America’s failure to think outside the box will create blowback. We discuss healthcare and childcare.
Cohen’s progressive voter guide. Medicare Advantage scam. Liz Cheney warns about Jim Jordan.
Daniel J. Cohen boldly releases his progressive voter guide. Liz Cheney did not mince words about the impact electing Jim Jordan would have on the GOP. Thom Hartmann calls out Medicare Advantage.
Cheney slams Jordan. Welker gives Gaetz pass. Swing voters swinging to Biden. Pence hits MAGA.
Liz Cheney warns GOP about choosing Jim Jordan, a Jan-6-coup conspirator, for speaker. Kristen Welker allows Matt Gates to lie on MTP. Swing voters support Biden with a caveat. Mike Pence gets a spine, sort of.
Gaetz lies again. Swing voters breaking Biden. Pence slams Trump-MAGA. West Virginia, left.
Matt Gaetz lies on Meet the Press about Trump’s economy & tax cuts. Swing voters so far are breaking for Biden. Pence grew a spine dings Trump & MAGA. West Virginia is ripe to go Left.
Another blockbuster Jobs Report. Believe your eyes and wages. Trump’s trying a virtual coup.
The blockbuster job reports keep coming. Yet many pollsters show an American populace sour on the economy and Biden. We will speak to why. Say no to Medicare Advantage. Jason Johnson on Trump’s trip to Congress.
Rattner on GOP budget. Aquino two local politicians. Trump went after poor. Speaker race.
Rattner breaks down the utter evil of the GOP budget. Neil Aquino analyses two local politicians. Under Trump, the IRS went after the working class. The Speaker’s race gives the cesspool a lousy name.
Evil GOP Budget. Sad GOP Speaker choices. MAGA Republican agrees! Medicare Advantage fraud.
Steve Rattner outlines the evil of the GOP Budget. Current GOP choices have ethical & moral issues. MAGA Republican agrees with Progressives? More Medicare Advantage Fraud exposed.