The climate change denying pathology is fatal. Oil companies knew this for over 30 years yet we continue to reward them. Will reality & education stop insanity?
Likely All-out war if Corporatist Democrats continue their sabotage M4A
Corporatist Democrats through centrist orgs like Third Way are developing messages to sabotage M4A in the minds of Democrats. They are playing with fire.
New report shows obscene health care profits as Americans struggle to pay
As the GOP and Centrist Democrats fight to stall Medicare for All, plutocrats continue the exploitation of our taxes and hard-earned health care dollars.
Texas floods not an act of God but ideology and willful disregard of science.
Texas, Houston, Kingwood are flooded again. Many friends have just recovered from Harvey and are flooded again. This is not an act of God.
Here is why a Centrist Democrat will lose the 2020 election
Yesterday Politics Done Right at KPFT 90.1 FM Houston received a call from a blue-collar worker that illustrates why a Centrist Democrat will lose.
Understand why the Plutocracy is mobilizing for Biden. It is the last gasp.
Progressives are screaming to anyone who will listen. Biden will lose and that is okay with the Plutocracy. Sander & Warren is their nemesis.
Press reaction to the Castro valid attack on Biden shows complicity – #DemDebate outtakes.
There is certain complicity between the press, establishment, and some Democrats based on the reaction to the Castro valid challenge to Biden. #DemDebate Outtakes.
This is what I think about the Democratic Debate in Houston, Texas
The Democratic Debate in Houston Texas is now in the past. It made it clear that Medicare for All is under attack from media & some Democrats.
Politics Done Right Live on Radio Row at Democratic Debate Spin Room
Today we discuss what we believe should be talked about at the Democratic Debate. We don’t need inter-fights but what one is going to do.
Why running Progressives in 2020 ensures a lasting win.
For those who think this election is in the bag, better think again. To win we must show we are not only getting rid of Trump but providing something.