Paul Fleming learned first hand why Americans could not afford to lose the Affordable Care Act. In fact, Medicare for All is the ultimate solution.
Saved by the ACA, Klobuchar slams Trump, WH Superspreader refuses mask, delusional voter
PDR supporter Paul Fleming becomes our subject today discussing how ACA. Klobuchar slammed Trump in her way. Trump enabling continues.
Election 2020 is clear now. It is for the Democrats to take if they vote.
Democrats & Progressives must transform their irrational Election 2020 fear into a resolve to get the job done through voting & ensuring everyone vote.
Jerry Ashton, co-founder of RIP Medical Debt discusses medical debt during the COVID pandemic
Jerry Ashton visited with us to let us know that RIP Medical Debt has now liquidated over $2 Billion in medical debt. He also enumerated the four things that make this world better for us all. Jerry Ashton: RIP Medical Debt RIP Medical Debt was founded in 2014 by two former debt collections executives, Craig […]
Manuel Pastor explains the flaws in Biden’s Latino vote outreach
Dr. Manuel Pastor points out the flaws in Biden’s Latino outreach. He did not mince his words, and one hopes the Biden team is listening. Manuel Pastor on Latino outreach Professor Pastor discusses the diverse Latino community and the critical issues within the community the Biden campaign is missing. He said they are learning on […]
Kristin Arnold, a rules analyst, discusses the vice-presidential debate
After the vice-presidential debate, rules analyst Kristin Arnold visited us and pointed out there was no debate. She points out why.
VP debate: Kristin Arnold analysis. Who won, Packing the courts, Militia plot.
We analyze the VP debate from several perspectives. Who won? Should Biden/Harris discuss Supreme Court-packing? Militia show colors.
Karl Smith on making Progressive ideas meaning full to the Right
Steve Schmidt made it clear we are in for a solid Biden win. Karl Smith on selling Progressive ideas Karl Smith discusses how to make Progressive ideas meaningful to those who are not sufficiently empathetic to understand the tenets.
Steve Schmidt: Trump will lose. Karl Smith on progressive messaging. Polls.
Steve Schmidt made it clear we are in for a solid Biden win. Karl Smith on how to promote our Progressive ideas. The polls are talking.
Professor explains flaws in Biden’s Latino outreach, Trump no FDR-Churchill, but a weak Mussolini
Dr. Manuel Pastor points out the flaws in Biden’s Latino outreach. Pundits discuss Trump vs Churchill/FDR or Mussolini and his profound weakness.