Get rid of DeJoy & leave postal rates. VA Gov. Youngkin was given a pass on news shows. Reps. Swalwell & Omar show how to fight. Psaki has advice for Mandela Barnes.
This is how we support KPFT 90.1 FM Houston, the sole community radio station in the Metro area.
Today, we did little politics but present what community radio stations like KPFT 90.1 FM Houston mean to the community as we raise money to stay on the air.
NO to Medicare Advantage. Dem Voter enthusiasm. Ryan takes it to Vance. Tuberville’s racism
Here is the case against Medicare advantage. Tim Ryan is on offense in OH. Tuberville’s racism flows. Democratic voter enthusiasm must grow now.
Medicare Advantage is a fraud, and here’s the proof. Unpatriotic Silicon Valley billionaires.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: We have been reporting for some time that Medicare Advantage is a scam, not on the users but the corporations. The entitled Silicon Valley billionaires are unpatriotic.
Unpatriotic billionaires? Youngkin, the governor, to watch. Psaki dings MSM. Heather McGhee speaks.
Silicon Valley billionaires are unpatriotic. VA Gov. Glenn Youngkin is one to watch. Jen Psaki gently dings a news program. Heather McGhee on race vs. class.
Tech greed continues unabated. The gasoline and inflation fraud is our failed economic system.
Many of those in technology unpatriotically give back little to our national coffers and much more. The gasoline and inflation fraud continue.
The gasoline fraud is back on. PLEASE HEAR THIS. You must put the blame where it belongs.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: I went to the gasoline pump and got extremely angry. Why do we allow them to do this to us? Our vote matters more than ever!
Liz Cheney: vote Democrat. Pundit: Blame corporations & churches. Herschel Walker is Trump …
Liz Cheney wants Republicans to vote Democratic. Herschel water becomes Trump. Matthew Dowd blames corporations and churches for our moral decay.
The OPEC/Oil Corps. extortion has begun. Scarborough’s defense of the economy is impeccable.
OPEC & Oil Corporations have begun their extortion in an attempt to impact the midterm. Scarborough did a great job in defending the economy & more.
$158,000/year for drugs already tested? Britain attempts to reignite disaster capitalism and more.
LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: The disaster capitalism that the new conservative government attempted in Britain is the same that allows Pharma to charge $158,000 for a drug.