TikTok lawyer Kristen Browde makes moot all of the Right Wing arguments as to why they select particular groups they deem harmful to children. It turns out they are projecting as they are the cause.
TikTok lawyer Kristen Browde decimates Right.
Browde discovered something that many have been becoming aware of for some time. Those conducting the attacks on our transgender and drag queen populations are from the population that commits the most crimes against children.
Kristen Browde is so passionate about getting the truth out that she created a website that catalogs all reported sex crimes against children. And the website is well-documented. The calculations prove that pastors represent 13% of these crimes while representing just 0.2% of the population. In other words, pastors represent over 6000% more frequently than their population size.
Her website can be found at http://whoismakingnews.com. It has all the corroborating data.