Oh, You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why…
Ron De Sant is comin’ to town.
You better not mask
And never ask why
Don’t get vaxxed
It’s better to die.
Ron De Sant is comin’ to town.
You’ll never need abortion
The gov’mint says it so
While Elon keeps his fortune
That’s all you need to know.
Oh, you better not sigh
You better not sue
You’d better not cry
To the A.C.L.U., cause…
Ron De Sant is comin’ to town.
He knows when you are sleeping
He knows when you are “Woke”
He knows when you say “Gay” or “Trans”
So shut up it’s not a joke.
He’s making a list
Checking it twice
You’ll never be missed
When you’re picked up by ICE.
Ron De Sant is comin’ to town.
Best Pres’dent he will be
Won’t run from leftist fights
Has courage to be free
To take away your rights.
He’s meaner than Trump
He’s cleaner than Pence
He’ll never be a chump
Like RINOs on the fence.
Ron De Sant is comin’ to town.
Those that seek asylum
In Florida aren’t welcome
Go back to where you come from
Or you’ll end up lost in Boston.
So don’t you moan
Don’t you dare
Though you’re sick ‘n alone
Without medical care, cause…
Ron De Sant is comin’ to town.
Ron De Sant is bringin’ us down.
So you like your hist’ry classes
Where teachers help you learn
But Ron thinks you’re leftist asses
With books to ban and burn.
The kids like Magic Kingdom
Their parents like to brag
Until the kids love Queendom
And enjoy the shows in drag.
Oh, you better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why…
Ron De Sant is comin’
Ron De Sant’s becomin’…a clown.