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Anand Bhat discusses the state of healthcare, college debt, and more.

Dr. Anand Bhat, an activist & blogger, discusses healthcare, college debt, and more with some outtakes from his recent trip to Europe.

Anand Bhat

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Recently, the political activist doctor Anand Bhat traveled to Zurich, Switzerland. Anyone who knows Dr. Bhat knows him as very knowledgeable. Most importantly, he knows factoids that are always enlightening.

He recently engaged a clueless American in Zurich after her reaction to the statement from a Swiss that Universities are free in their country.

The woman started verbalizing that to do that, taxes had to be high. Dr. Bhat immediately went on an education rant. He told her that while taxes are higher, having access to free education, free healthcare, and other social services makes those taxes a bargain. He pointed out that young people do not run the risk of bankrupting themselves.

I wish Dr. Bhat could have provided her with an interview that Oprah Winfrey had with a Danish woman.

Oprah pointed out that in fact, Denmark is a Democratic Country but that it had Socialist views. One of the guests acknowledged that without hesitation. The other woman gave it the necessary context.

“Well, you might think so,” the Danish woman said. “We don’t necessarily think of it as that. We all think of it as being civilized; that you take care of your old and your sick. And you make sure that people get well educated. So we think of it more as being civilized.”

And that is what separates ideologies. Some are humane, while others are intrinsically selfish and thus evil. A civilized country is about having programs in one’s nation that protect & invest in all of its citizens. Ayn Randian ideologies are about allowing the lowest savagery of our humanity to emerge.

Many European countries have similar social safety nets. They chose humans over capital.

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