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Tim Danahey discusses solutions to current prescient issues and policies

Tim Danahey discusses solutions to current prescient issues and policies

Tim Danahey visited with Politics Done Right and talked about some of our most divisive issues. He found a compromise in each one.

Tim Danahey has important takes on our most prescient topics.

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I spoke to Tim Danahey a few weeks ago about getting him to discuss some of the most current divisive issues. He said he wanted to talk about them and we discussed our commonalities and differences.

We discussed.

We discussed many other topics. The entire interview is worth a listen.

Tim Danahey and I go back a very long time. We were both on the Coffee Party USA Board of Directors. I always considered Tim a moderate. He refers to himself as a Progressive who knows how to get things done. The thing is, we respect each other’s point of view as ultimately we are trying to get to the same place.

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