Seth David Radwell discusses that which ails America as he explains several topics in his book American Schism: How the Two Enlightenments Hold the Secret to Healing our Nation. The conversation was very enlightening.
Seth David Radwell discusses what ails us
We discussed the following with Seth David Radwell.
- What was his motivation to undertake the extensive historical research that led to writing his first book, American Schism?
- Are there really “two Americas”?
- He traced the roots of our current political and social divisions to “two Enlightenments.” What are the core differences between Radical Enlightenment and Moderate Enlightenment?
- Where does the Counter-Enlightenment fit in?
- Why does he describe the Declaration of Independence as “radical” and the Constitution as “moderate”? How do they conflict?
- How has the economy shaped the ideals and beliefs of Americans on both sides of the divide?
- How have religion and education both played a role in the clashing Enlightenment views?
- How did President Lincoln rebirth the country? Where did he fall on the Moderate Radical Enlightenment spectrum?
- Why does he think we had the biggest voter turnout in history and the most contentious transfer of power?
- Does he think we should abolish the Electoral College? What other structural changes are required to save our democracy?
- Would he share a few proposed actions for bridging our differences?
Who is Seth David Radwell?
Seth David Radwell is the author of American Schism and an internationally known business executive and thought leader in consumer marketing. He previously served as President of e-Scholastic, the digital arm of the global children’s publishing and education company, and as President of Bookspan/Bertelsmann, where he developed book clubs for diverse readership, Black Expressions and Mosaico, in addition to overseeing all editorial, marketing, media, and digital functions for many other iconic brands. He holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and a Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum laude from Columbia College, Columbia University. He currently divides his time between New York, Los Angeles, and Paris.
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