Stephen Shainbart, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist and author of I Actually Did It: Becoming Canadian Because of Trump. And he breaks down how he did it.
Stephen Shainbart did it!
Shainbart’s story is fascinating. Why? Mostly because he did it. “Talk is cheap.” This move is a hell of a transition.
Stephen Shainbart shares his story as a New Yorker, who spent the years after the 2016 election researching and undertaking the surprisingly tricky and complicated process of emigrating to Canada. In November 2019, three years after his journey began on that fateful night, he finally became Canadian.
Living in Canada has been a new experience for him. He has used his Americanism at times as an advantage in a possessively polite society. But he also has had to deal with the implicit stereotype as well.
Stephen remains engaged in American politics, following its every move every day. He said many asked him what his sentiment would be if Joe Biden wins in 2020. He pointed out a fundamental fact. Breakage in America is systemic.
A straightforward Biden win is not sufficient to fix our problem. It will take many years to do so.
In this interview, he can discussed:
- An honest description of what the journey to becoming Canadian was really like (hint: not easy)
- Why he went through with becoming Canadian while most Americans did not.
- A how-to-guide on how to begin the process of immigrating to Canada.
- Humorous and insightful stories and musings on being an American living among Canadians
- A comparison of American vs. Canadian history and culture, and how these countries are more different than many people realize.
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