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Bobby Rodrigo delivers food as he helps assess the need.

Bobby Rodrigo

Community Activist Bobby Rodrigo shows the plight of many. He is out on the West Coast seeking out people to feed with the various organizations he works with.

Bobby Rodrigo discusses food insecurity

Watch the full episode here.

On the day of this taping, Bobby was driving a big truck around Portland and the surrounding areas delivering frozen fish and other food supplies. He made it clear in word and video the plight of many.

America has yet to come to the realization that the COVID-19 pandemic is taking us to a new place we have never been before. While few are calling it a depression right now, the reality behind the facade makes it clear to many of us.

During the depression, people walked the soup lines. Today they drive up in their cars for help. The suffering takes on a sort of antiseptic nature. But as Bobby’s narrative make clear, people are suffering.

In some of his videos, Bobby show a never-ending line of cars waiting for the food distribution.

Bobby Rodrigo’s report

Watch the full episode here.

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