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Bobby Rodrigo delivers food to the needy and shocked by conditions

Bobby Rodrigo

Activist Bobby Rodrigo was shocked as he delivered food to the poor in the Pacific Northwest. He saw conditions that should anathema to America.

Bobby Rodrigo recounts his story

Watch the full episode here.

Bobby Rodrigo visited a few resettlements of Native Americans on government land in lieu of their land taken over to build a few dams. He got a big surprise as he saw the conditions they live in.

Bobby is on Pacific Coast distributing tons of food and when they had some leftovers they when into places they had not intended to go to yet.

Listen to Bobby’s commentary. You can hear the disgust in his voice for what our government has done to Native Americans. Does this not question our purported exceptionalism?

Booby is working with The Wave Foundation. In collaboration with Columbia Gorge Food Bank, The Wave Foundation distributed sustainably harvested frozen lingcod and sablefish filets and served hot meals using sablefish via a Koi Fusion food truck at an open event in Cascade Locks, Oregon at City Hall.

157 households representing 611 individuals fed during the food bank distribution event. 600 additional families served with The Wave Foundation’s truck deliveries direct to five Tribal Nation fishing communities.

More than 300 food boxes distributed by the Columbia Gorge Food Bank during the City Hall event. 140 food bank food boxes delivered by The Wave Foundation truck directly to Tribal Nation fishing communities.

More than 400 hot meals served utilizing The Wave Foundation’s lingcod and sablefish and prepared by Koi Fusion’s food truck.

150 pounds of fish served in hot meals and 850 pounds served via delivery direct to Tribal Nation communities.

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