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Activists intent on winning Texas Senate & House races – Christmas healthcare ordeal.

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: January 7th, 2019
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Nisha Randle, John Cotter, & Rufi Natarajan representing HCDP & local Democratic groups, detail their upcoming Forums. 2nd segment: My Christmas healthcare ordeal.

Several area local Democratic groups got together to produce two well-organized forums featuring candidates you should learn about.

Nisha and John tell us all about the genesis of the 2020 Senate Forum of Democratic Texas Senate candidates. Do they intend to make this a habit? One hopes so. These local groups are generating a lot of enthusiasm in Harris, Montgomery, and surrounding counties. If you are in the Houston Metropolitan Area, this is a forum you should not miss. One of these candidates is likely to represent Texas in Washington DC and it is imperative you know about them all.

Rufi Natarajan, representing several local Democratic Groups says, “Game over on the Sarah Davis experiment! With Davis support on all but a few bills, TX Republicans passed many of the nation’s most extreme anti-choice laws, gutted public schools, legalized racial profiling, she even voted for open carry and to allow guns in schools.” Which House District 134 candidate will represent you? Make an informed decision by attending the HD 134 Forum.

Our second segment will cover my Christmas healthcare ordeal and our family’s subsequent interaction with a system that can only be defined as evil.

Our Evil Healthcare System

Before I get to the program, I want to remind all our listeners that KPFT is a bastion of intelligent voices and programs. As a political activist, my favorites are

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Folks do remember this is a call-in show. Call me at (713) 526-5738.

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