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Dr. Dean Baker: Elizabeth Warren forcing the correct question on Medicare for All.

Dean Baker

Economist Dr. Dean Baker details why Senator Elizabeth Warren is correct in the manner in which she addresses the question about tax increases with Medicare for All.

Economist Dr. Dean Baker sides with Elizabeth Warren on Medicare for All

Who is Dr. Dean Baker? He co-founded the Center for Economic And Policy Research (CEPR) in 1999. His areas of research include housing and macroeconomics, intellectual property, Social Security, Medicare, and European labor markets. His blog, “Beat the Press,” provides commentary on economic reporting. He received his B.A. from Swarthmore College and his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan. His analyses have appeared in many major publications, including The Atlantic Monthly, the Washington Post, the London Financial Times, and the New York Daily News. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan.

Dean has written several books that are worth reading.

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