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No candidate, Democratic or Republican is inevitable or un-electable so calculable predictability is essential.

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: August 20th, 2019

Too many are approaching the election of their candidate from a position of fear. Ironically the fear is both on the Right and the Left. It is exactly where the Plutocracy wants us.

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It is all about the candidate. Do not fail your brothers and sisters now.

I continue to watch the 2020 Democratic Primary with some level of disgust. I don’t think I have seen a citizenry this scared since I have come to the country. Normally people stay away from politics. Now I am finding people just looking for a reason to get into politics. The grocery store is no longer sacred.

But I also see a change. Right-Wingers are getting less defensive of the President and the Republican party. This leaves an ever so small opening to tip a very small few but in some districts, maybe enough. Remember we need just 9 flips in the Texas House.

Before I get to the program, I want to remind all our listeners that KPFT is a bastion of intelligent voices and programs. As a political activist, my favorites are

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What are your thoughts? Let ’s talk. Tag your tweets with hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight. Follow me on Twitter @EgbertoWillies. We broadcast live on Facebook Live here.

Folks do remember this is a call-in show. Call me at (713) 526-5738.

But let’s get to the Blog of the Week.

Blog of the Week

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