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Happy 4th of July. Enjoy it Trump-less as Rashida Tlaib give Trump’s 4th context.

Rashida Tlaib

Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: July 4th, 2019

As celebrate this 4th of July let’s make sure to not participate in absolutely any event sanctioned by Trump. Rashida Tlaib’s context is perfect. Other worthy 4th celebrations out there.

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Rashida Tlaib hits the nail on the head

Progressive Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) did not mince her words as she went to the core of Donald Trump’s vanity 4th of July festivities. Many frame their objections of the event claiming it politicized the holiday. She did what is more important.

Rashida Tlaib illustrated that the President’s actions had a cost to her constituents, many of whom voted for Donald Trump. That is the genius in having new Congresspeople who understand who they are working for all of the times.

Independent Progressive media need support from Progressives

Free Speech TV, Pacifica Network, and most Independent Progressive outlets are way behind in raising the funds they need to operate much like the smaller outlets like Politics Done Right. We will discuss why and solutions. That said, please support our GoFundMe here.



MediaITE: Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren Clobbered Everyone at Debates By A LOT According to New Poll

California Senator Kamala Harris and Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren outclassed the competition at last week’s Democratic presidential debates by several country miles, according to a pair of new HuffPost/YouGov polls.

Warren was the consensus winner among the media during Wednesday’s first debate, while Harris stood out during the Thursday night edition, but according to the new polls, it wasn’t even close. On night one, “59% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters” said that Warren did the best job, with the next-best score belonging to former Obama cabinet member Julian Castro — at just 16 percent.

Harris outpaced her nearest rival by the same margin among Dems and Dem-leaners, 59 percent to former Vice President Joe Biden‘s 16.

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