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Progressives can win it all but not like the Right Wing in the long term.

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Progressives have values on their side yet it seems we can never get the ball over the net. The truth is that we tend to fall in love with our own irrespective while the other side falls in line.

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Today we first discuss Mueller’s speech from this morning. The Press is making much too much of it.

Secondly, we talk about why Progressives have problems getting traction at high enough levels to get progressive policies. One of the reasons is that we fall in love. We will explain that in detail.



BuzzFeed: More Democrats Are Calling For Impeachment After Robert Mueller Said He Could Not Clear Trump: WASHINGTON – Special counsel Robert Mueller’s public remarks on Wednesday kicked off a new surge of Democrats calling for impeachment proceedings to begin against President Trump.
Progressives in the House and contenders for the party’s 2020 presidential bid are the two loudest voices calling for impeachment, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to call for caution.
Mueller poured more fuel on that fire Wednesday when he reiterated what he had written in his report: that his office could not charge Trump with a crime because that is a role for Congress, not the Department of Justice.
“Under longstanding department policy, a present president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional,” he said. “The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.”
Several Democrats took this as an implicit — or explicit – referral to Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, who is seeking his party’s nomination for president, became the latest Democrat to say Congress has “a legal and moral obligation to begin impeachment proceedings immediately.” Booker had previously called only for further investigation by relevant committees.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he’d leave the decision up to the House Judiciary Committee, but if they were to begin impeachment proceedings, he would “support their decision to do so.”
Other Democrats running for president in 2020 had previously called for impeachment proceedings to begin took Mueller’s public statement as yet another call to action.

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