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The draconian abortion debate and Technology and the political game

Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: May 17th, 2019

We cover two very important topics today. The first is abortion, the draconian attack on women. The second is technology in the political game and beyond.

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Sadly we are here again. A whole bunch of men is attempting to control a woman’s body. They are passing draconian abortion bills. Conservative men have declared war on women. It is time for women and their allies to get real and stop allowing hypocrites to use them as pawns.

We will discuss technology and politics in the second segment with Chase Escamilla, an digital media analyst and expert in the field.



CNN: Jay Inslee calls out Joe Biden on combating climate change: ‘We have to live in the real world here’: Washington (CNN)Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Thursday repeatedly called out Joe Biden for his approach on climate, suggesting that the former vice president is naive about working with Republicans on the issue. Inslee, who rolled out a sweeping $3 trillion jobs plan that projects the creation of 8 million jobs over 10 years by fighting climate change, has made clear throughout his 2020 run that he is willing to fault his Democratic opponents on the issue. And Biden, whose campaign told Reuters earlier this month that the former vice president wanted to propose a climate change plan that appealed to environmentalists and blue-collar voters alike, has not been spared. “I was concerned, like most everyone was, of the comments coming out of this campaign,” Inslee told reporters during a Thursday event at DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant in Washington, DC. “I will reserve judgment until we see what Joe Biden actually proposes. And I will wait and see if he can match the commitments that I have made to the American people. If he does that, I think it will be a great day for the Democratic Party, but to do so, he’s going to have to up his game and say categorically we cannot be shackled to coal jobs forever.”
Inslee continued, “He is going to have to say that we have to remove our reliance on fossil fuels from the electrical grid. I have not seen to date any suggestion that he could do that.”

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The draconian abortion debate and Technology and the political game

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