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They designed our economic system to prevent most from achieving & here’s why

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: April 2nd, 2019

They continue to fool and play us all. Our economic system was not designed for most to succeed. It could not support that less it fails quicker as it ultimately will.

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It is time to get real. We have allowed the Plutocrats to play us, fool us, and distract us. They have created an environment and a narrative that have Americans fighting each other on their behalf. The funny thing is that we have nothing in common with them.

For us to make a change, we must first understand the pathology of the masters of the economic system under which we live. After understanding it, we can easily see why the masses will never succeed. Since the 70’s we have had a 400% productivity increase. Under that scenario, we should be working 10 hours a week with abounding leisure time.

We will discuss why this is impossible under our current structure.


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