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Why are Americans confused? What is the real fight and who is the real enemy?

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A confluence of distinct issues unites the majority of Americans irrespective of party or ideology. Unfortunately, the Plutocracy generates purposeful misinformation to divide for a purpose.

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I became extremely frustrated watching Sunday’s morning news shows. So why do I continue to watch them, you asked? Because I must. We must. Watching them ensures that we understand what most Americans who vote are seeing.

Sunday’s news shows give us direction in preparing the material necessary to deprogram Americans from the lies, misinformation, and missed opportunities by the supposed journalists. Today we correct Chuck Todd’s screw-ups in his Mitt Romney interview.

Later I want to go over a video a friend sent to me. It shows two deer fighting each other while the tiger approaches for the kill.


The Atlantic: A New European Political Bloc Wants to Dismantle Europe. MILAN—An Italian, a German, a Dane, and a Finn gathered here on Monday to launch a new continent-wide alliance of far-right and right-wing parties that they hope will remake Europe. Their message was one of defending national borders, stopping illegal immigration, combatting Islamic terrorism—and little else. They dubbed their new group the European Alliance of People and Nations, yet beyond their shared concerns about migration, these parties often have wildly different views, most notably on trade and economics—at the press conference, there was little talk about the euro, let alone about leaving it. The question now is whether these parties, however small, will soar to victory in elections for the European Parliament next month.

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