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Is Trump using Venezuela for political gain? & Environmental Injustice

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: March 13th, 2019

I have seen this Venezuela playbook before. The only difference is that this time it was designed to cripple Democrats if they allow it to succeed. It is deceptive and murderous.

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Every other Wednesday, Tamara Shealey from Tamara for Georgia is with us to discuss not only issues in Georgia but how that now purple state is a reflection of what is happening in America. Today she visits with us from the Citizen Science Conference in Raleigh North Carolina along with Vincent Martin an Environmental Justice Advocate.

The second part of the show covers Venezuela. It is imperative that we look at this situation with wide open eyes. We must not be hoodwinked into another war or pseudo-war on pretenses to prop up a false Democratic Socialism narrative, to deflect from the doings of a president who has given away the store to the plutocrats, and to continue robbing the resources of a mineral-rich country. We discuss in more detail.


Salon: Elizabeth Warren’s war on Big Tech puts her ahead as the candidate to take on corporate power: Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s strategy for winning the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination is a risky one. She’s been rolling out a series of big policy proposals, hoping that bold progressive ideas can capture voters’ imaginations, but she’s struggling to be heard in a news cycle dominated by Donald Trump’s reality show antics and gotcha political point-scoring.
Warren’s latest offering — a plan to use antitrust laws and principles to break up Big Tech — is provocative enough to garner a reaction. That reaction, by fitting into the gossip-and-drama model that drives views and readership, is helping draw attention to Warren’s actual policy ideas.
The first incident came from Facebook refusing to run ads the Warren campaign had purchased that highlighted her antitrust agenda. The ads explicitly called out Facebook, naming Mark Zuckerberg’s company, along with Amazon and Google, as one with “vast power over our economy and our democracy.” When the ads were blacklisted, Warren tweeted that Facebook “has too much power” and the “ability to shut down ” over the limits to that power.
Facebook restored the ads, portraying the censorship (hilariously) not as an attempt to stifle criticism of their company, but an accident flowing from their ban on using the Facebook logo in advertising. Whatever the reasons, the move ended up drawing more attention to Warren’s proposal — and more discussion about the threat these monopolistic tech companies pose.

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