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Philip Howard wants to press a reset on our laws – Amazon New York swindle averted

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: February 14th, 2019

Author & Lawyer Philip Howard believes gridlock can end by rewriting all the rules – Amazon drops plans for headquarters in NY. Good riddance.

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We will first converse with Philip Howard about his new book Try Common Sense: Replacing the Failed Ideologies of Right and Left. Howard is the author of The Death of Common Sense (1995), The Collapse of the Common Good (2002), Life Without Lawyers (2009), and The Rule of Nobody (2014). The Death of Common Sense, which criticized over-regulation and excessive litigation, became a bestseller. Howard also founded and heads Common Good, a nonprofit that advocates for reductions in regulation and litigation.

Howard advised the presidential transition team of US President Donald Trump. In April 2017, he joined Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum. His 2015 report “Two Years, Not Ten Years,” detailing the economic and environmental costs of delaying infrastructure approvals, has influenced the Trump Administration’s infrastructure proposals, including their call for approvals to be made within two years. The Trump administration’s infrastructure proposal, released in February 2018, contained many of the recommendations from the report.

Our second segment discusses Amazon abandoning its plans to build one of its headquarters in New York. We will tie it corporate welfare.


CommonDreams: The New Green Deal is a 14-page document that exists about 40,000 feet up in terms of abstraction. It will not be passed by this Congress. That’s not just because of the political divide but also because it is not legislation: It’s a set of broad ideas — good ones, from my perspective — to reduce carbon emissions while creating good jobs through investment in green industry.

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